masturbation techniques
Sexual Health

6 Best Ways How To Make Your Penis Bigger: Penis Enlargement Naturally

Having a big penis is always a men’s dream. Someone got it naturally when someone wants it. A recent study reveals that more than 14000 people found that 45% of men want a longer penis. With these useful natural ways, anyone can make their dick big without any surgery or medicines.

how to make your penis bigger naturally

average penis size

Trim your public hair is make your penis much more visible and look big. Try to do it as just trim; do not remove it completely as it is a guard for the penis. And Of course, Women also like a penis covered with some soft curly hair. As per one American survey, 74% of women like to do with men with public hair. But when comes to Blowjob, it’s always suggestible to have a clean shaved penis as the women’s choice.

2. Massaging your penis frequently

how to increase penis size

Oil Massages help you improve your libido and make your penis bigger naturally.  So at least thrice a week, do apply oil to your penis and massage it slowly to keep it healthy. Oil massage to the penis also improves the penis tension nerves as it gets some relaxation and it gets you some control over the penis and the sex drive.

3. Masturbate Regularly (without Ejaculation)

masturbation techniques
Masturbate Regularly

Yeah, you heard it right. Maturbate improves your penis size. Most men worry about masturbation and they think masturbating will make their penis so tiny.

Men regularly masturbate (as women do 😉 ). It happens naturally. But 99% of the men just tried it in a speedy manner to get out of the sexual tension. It’s bad and it makes you impotent in the future. Do your strokes too slowly and if you feel it’s the time of ejaculation then just stop it and concentrate on other things. After the penis is rolled down, start masturbating again. Do this repeatedly to make your penis size naturally & ejaculation will be under your control in all situations.

4. Do Penis Exercises

how to make your penis bigger

Do penis exercises regularly to keep your penis strong and active. These are the common yet effective penis exercises. Try this at least once a week.

5. Take protein-rich foods and do your daily exercises

average penis erection size

Take protein-rich foods like soya beans, nuts, milk, egg, etc to keep you healthy and stamina. To increase stamina do your regular body exercises to stay fit and healthy. It not only increases your body fit and it also does to increase your penis growth indirectly.

Some of the foods really worked a lot to increase penis size

  • Spinach
  • Apples
  • Coffee
  • Guava fruit
  • Avocados


6. Take Ginseng – the herb for penis enlargement

Ginseng is an herb for penis enlargement produced mainly in the Korean region. Red Korean ginseng is found very effective in regulating the nervous system and has a direct impact on relaxing the body.

As the nervous system is the main driver of body functionality, it has a direct connection with penis health. Here one thing to note is that ginseng is not backed by any scientific studies to help in penis enlargement. But a study conducted on some men in South Korea (who took Ginseng extract tablets for some weeks) revealed the better sexual performance and penis appearance (erection and feel).

Here are our useful steps to get big dick naturally. Use it daily and get your results gradually. 

Myths and Facts of increase penis size

1. Can apple juice grow your penis size?

No. Apple juice doesn’t help you to grow your penis. Some variety of banana fruit helps you to make the penis bigger and stronger.

2. Does testosterone increase penis size?

Not Exactly. Boosting Testosterone gives you overall health improvement for a stronger & healthier lifestyle. It doesn’t mean that it increases your penis size. 

3. Does Ashwagandha increase penis size?

Ashwagandha is very useful for penis erectile dysfunction problems. But it does not increase your penis as well. It just improves your overall stamina and power.

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